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What is a widget and how to add one to a website?

Widget is a small application with limited functionality which can be inserted and executed within a web page. Widgets are typically used to display individual parts of your report (i. e. charts, tables or statistics) on a web page. Follow the steps described below to insert widgets into your website.

1. Open Widgets Section

Select a program in the left frame. Then click Widgets in the right frame.

2. Select a Widget

Choose a widget in the middle frame.

Please note widgets for some elements may not be present in the default widgets selection. In such a case use the “create widget” icon to add them.

3. Copy Script

Copy the script by clicking on “Copy To Clipboard”. There are two options to choose from, see point 4 below.

4. Iframe Script x Widget Script

Which method is better to use?

  • The iframe script is guaranteed not to interfere with any other javascript on your website and therefore is a safer solution. On another hand iframe´s CSS can only be edited using the Custom CSS box (see Custom CSS for widgets for more information).
    Note: If the same widget is used multiple times on the same webpage (e. g. same widget displaying data from different programs) then iframe should be used.
  • If the widget script method does not cause issues on your website then it may be easier method to work with. This is mainly because the appearence of widgets can be redefined using the CSS file of your website.

5. Insert script into your website

Simply paste script to your website.

Note for WordPress users:
The WordPress editor both autoformats your text and restricts the types of tags that are inserted into your content. Blocking the ability to insert scripts is a security feature.

6. Widgets in foreign languages

Widgets can be translated by adding &lang= parametr to widget´s url. For example &lang=de would be added for German. All country languages codes are available in the language dropdown.

7. Widget refresh frequency

It can take up to 10 minutes for the widget to refresh after updating the source data in the admin portal. 

We cache the widgets, just like we do fund factsheets. By caching we mean storing copies of files in a cache/temporary storage location so that they can be accessed more quickly. Basically, widgets are pre-generated which significantly improves the loading speed.

See also:

Custom CSS for widgets

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