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Favicon for online reports

Would you like to add a favicon to your online reports? Here is everything you need to know. Favicons are small icons used on web browsers to represent a website or a web page. They are commonly displayed on tabs at the top of a web browser, but they can also be found in other places (e. g. browser´s bookmarks or history).

Creating a favicon

Any rectangular image can be used. The file must be saved as favicon.png or favicon.ico. The typical dimensions are 16×16 pixel but can also be 32×32 pixels or larger. If your design is transparent, make sure to save the image as PNG with its transparency setting turned on.

Adding a favicon

Upload either favicon.png or favicon.ico to your documents. Then refresh your online report. For more information about adding documents please see steps below.

1. Go to Company Profile / Documents

2. Click Upload document or Insert

3. Select your file and click Save

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