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Translate my Factsheet

All ready-to-use templates are available in several major languages. You can provide your clients with factsheets in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified version). There are also beta translations (not complete) available: Swedish, Danish, Arabic, Czech, Slovakian, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Hebrew, Portuguese, Russian and Korean.

The text below explains how to manually change language and edit texts on one report. For mass-import of translated texts please see How to Import Fund Terms.

1. Change language

  • Select a program in the left frame.
  • Click the dropdown menu at the top of the middle frame and choose your a language.

2. Edit content in selected language

All foreign language text content must be edited using the Edit button in top right corner. Other methods will not work (please see bottom of this topic for more information).

  • Click Edit in the top right corner
  • Select appropriate text box and add text translated text
  • Click Save

3. Important note

Only the Edit button in top right corner allows you to access the content in selected language. The usual editing methods (see below) will result in editing the default language (English).

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