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How to display live and backtested results in a single table or chart

Regulations may require you to display backtested and live data in a single table or chart. You can achieve this with two clicks in our fund factsheets, see below for more information.

Example 1: Monthly Performance table

You can differentiate backtested and live data by color, including annual returns.

Example 2: VAMI chart

The backtested performance is marked by the shaded area. Also, the text with the start of live trading data is automatically added.

VAMI chart

Other supported charts: Drawdown, Down Capture, Monthly Returns, Cumulative Monthly Returns, Annual Performance.

To set up live-trading period:

1) Select a program in the left sidebar.

2) Go to More information / Other Program Terms in the right frame

3) Choose the live-trading start date in “Live Trading Date” field

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