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Time Window Analysis

Timeframes in the Time Window Analysis table are calculated using rolling periods – e.g. 12M is a period of 12 consecutive months determined on a rolling basis with a new 12-month period beginning on a first day of each calendar month.

It’s possible to calculate the results for diferrent periods, for example for the whole period since inception. Below is shown a default setting of table but it’s possible to add any other statistic and more periods such as last 5 Yrs or 10 Yrs.

The Time Window Analysis table can be calculated on a dailymonthly or quarterly basis.

It is also possible to calculate statistics for the years of the program instead of different periods.

Show benchmark data

Benchmark´s statistics can also be displayed in the TWA table. For more information about choosing benchmarks please see Add benchmark.

1. Click Edit settings

2. Select which benchmarks you would like to display

3. Click Save changes

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