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Custom Fields

Custom fields allow users to create text fields with custom labels. These fields can be displayed in the general information table. They can be created either manually (see below) or using our fund terms mass-import tool.

Creating fields manually

1. Set up new fields

1. Click Company profile in the left frame and choose Company settings in the right frame.
2. Scroll down to Custom fields section and set up your fields.

2. Enter values

1. Select a program in the left frame and then either edit content of General information table or open Other program terms in the right frame.
2. Scroll down to Custom fields section and enter the values.

3. Display your custom fields in General information table

1. Mouse-over the table and click “edit settings” icon.
2. Move your custom fields from left to right and save settings.

Please note empty custom fields are not displayed. If you added a custom field to a General information table and it does not show up it might not contain any value. Check step 2. Enter values above.

See also:
Edit general Information table items

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