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VAMI chart

The chart reflects the growth of a hypothetical $1,000 in a given investment over time or it reflects the growth of minimum investment. The index is equal to $1,000/min. investment at inception. Subsequent month-end values are calculated by multiplying the previous month’s VAMI index by 1 plus the current month rate of return.

The VAMI chart always starts a month before the first entered month. Without this rule we wouldn’t be able to calculate VAMI if only data for a single month are available.

  • It is possible to show a second data series in the form of bars.
  • This chart can visually separate backtested and live data. For more information please see how to set up live a trading period in this topic.

Chart’s adjustments

Mouse-over the chart and click “edit settings” icon to adjust:

  • How many benchmarks are displayed
  • Initial value of VAMI
    • This changes initial value of VAMI
  • use of logarithmic scale for data which grows exponentially
  • min. and max. values of the vertical axis
  • visibility of first month data
  • monthly returns period – number of months displayed in the chart

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