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Tracker Portfolio

The tracker portfolio module allows you to choose a set of securities, assign weights to each security and let Topsheets to create a historical price serie for that portfolio.

Update portfolio through time and backwards

The tracker portfolio is a type of portfolio different from the hypothetical portfolio. You can change the allocation weights as you like and even change number of programs through time and backwards.

If you want to “stop” a program from portfolio, you have to set date of removal and then enter a negative investment.

Portfolio Instruments

It is possible to combine any number of programs and other instruments in your portfolio tearsheet. Feel free to add stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, indices or managed futures from an external source. The selection of these instruments is really easy and allows you to choose from thousands of automatically updated securities.

1. To add a new instrument to the portfiolio, choose what kind of asset class you want to add
2. In the first column, write name of a stock (ndex, etc.) or its ticker
3. Set investment amounts and leverage (if available) to get allocation weights and click “Add to Portfolio”

Portfolio Calculation

Compound – We first calculate VAMIs (using notional amounts) for each program contained in the portfolio. Then we sum up and create a portfolio VAMI (using cash levels) from which we then calculate monthly portfolio numbers. It means those numbers are not just simple averages derived from individual program numbers.

Fixed – Allocations to programs are fixed (reset to their initial levels every month).

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