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Choose template for my program

There are two basic methods to choose a template:

  • You can either choose a template for all of your programs (company template).
  • Or select a template for a specific program only (program template).

There are 20 standard templates available. These are ready made and our users are able to customize these only to a certain extent. For more information go to custom templates and templates customization.

1) Choose template for all programs (company template)

  • Click “Choose template” in the left frame (see picture below).
  • Select one of the standard templates in the right editing frame (see picture below).
  • You can also choose colour and font (see picture below).
  • Click “Save”.

2) Choose template for specific program only (program template)

  • Select a program in the left frame (see picture below).
  • Click the three dots icon above the middle frame (see picture below).
  • Click “Change template” (see picture below).
  • The rest of the process is the same as above.

Choosing multiple templates for one report

Please note it is also possible to choose multiple templates (either company or program). You can read more about that in Choosing multiple templates.

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