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Import Fund Terms

It is possible to update fund terms in a similar way to performance data. Fund terms items can be imported to single or multiple funds using the Mass Fund Terms tool. All your fund tearsheets will be updated immediately. If you are not familiar with mass import tools, please see mass import.

The following fields are supported:

  • Name
  • Short name
  • Minimum investment
  • Currency – use currency codes, such as USD, GBP, EUR
  • Management fee
  • Incentive fee
  • Strategy description
  • Key highlights
  • Fund manager bio
  • LegalStructure (the values are the same as in the Legal Structure dropwdown under Program Terms / Others)
  • Trading style (available values: Volatility, Multistrategy, Technical, Fundamental, Arbitrage, Option, Spread, GlobalMacro, Indexing, TacticalAssetAllocation, FuturesBased, CommodityBased, CreditBased, EquityBased, FactorBased, FXBased, FundofFunds, MultiManager)
  • Program disclaimer
  • ISIN
  • Ticker
  • Benchmarks – only custom benchmarks can be assigned this way. Fill in the Benchmark´s code.


It is also possible to import articles. The field has to contain “Article.article code” (e. g. Article.RiskCategory).

See our Articles topic.

Custom fields

It is also possible to import custom fields values. The field has to contain “CustomField.custom field code” (e. g. CustomField.Liquidity). Please see this topic for more information about custom fields.

Language versions

See our Translate my Factsheets topic.

Translations of texts can be imported by adding country-language codes to the field name. For example StrategyDescription.DE would be used for strategy description in German and KeyHighlights.FR would be used for key highlights in French.

It works the same way for articles. For example a field named Article.InvestmentStyle.ES would be used for Spanish version of this article.

Country-language codes
en = English
de = German
fr = French
it = Italian
es = Spanish
se = Swedish
da = Danish
ru = Russian
pl = Polish
cs = Czech
sk = Slovakian
hu = Hungarian
ar = Arabic
zh = Chinese

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