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Share factsheets

Your factsheets can be shared using the “Report Preview” or “Downolad PDF” links.

1. Report preview

  • In Topsheets dashboard right-click the “Report Preview” link above the middle frame and copy it´s URL (see picture below).
  • Share the copied URL via email, skype etc. Please note that this method shows the dynamic version of your factsheet (it gets updated anytime you update information in Topsheets).

2. Download PDF

The Download PDF link´s URL can be shared the same way as report preview link. Another way to share your PDF is to download it and share the downloaded file, see below for more information.

  • In Topsheets dashboard click the “Download PDF” link above the middle frame (see picture below).
  • A dialog will pop up. Save the file.
  • Share the file as an attachment. Please note that this method shows the static version of your factsheet (the pdf file is not updated when you update information in Topsheets).

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