We have recently released another function that aims to help you create fund factsheets more efficiently. This function allows you to import portfolio composition data for multiple funds from one single file.

We have already introduced a few mass data import functions, e.g. Mass Daily Data or Mass Monthly Data Import. All these fund factsheet automation functions are worth checking out as they make fund factsheet production easier and more efficient.

How to mass import portfolio composition data? Similarly, to other mass import functions first thing you need to do is to prepare your data. We highly recommend to start with downloading a sample file from Topsheets. When you open the file, it looks like this:

Import portfolio composition Image

First two columns are quite self-explanatory. Third and fourth column represent two separate portfolios. You can add as many columns as you wish. Just keep in mind that every column (portfolio) must have a unique title (e.g. ProgramCode1, ProgramCode2 etc.). These unique titles will be linked to funds in the next step.

Once your file is ready it is time to open Topsheets and add codes (unique titles) to your programs. You can edit the code of each program if you edit the general information about the program (as per the image below).

portfolio composition codes image

Now that both your file and programs are set up, all you need to do is to upload your file and you are done.

Does it sound too complicated? Do not worry, there is a detailed article about the new function with a step by step description in our Help Center. Should you struggle with mass portfolio composition data import in any way, do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.